30 dic 2013

Lily - preview

 My demo reel character. I almost finished the animations and I am preparing to record some rig setup screens.

29 oct 2013

Shijie - Hun, early sketches and final model

final concept
final model used in the game
first sketch
costume variations

mask pattern variations. The final one is very subtle and very hard to spot in the game

turnaround used for the first model

this last two correspond to a re-design stage I had to go trough to make him more brute and different from the other main character.

Shijie - Enemy concept evolution

Approved designs:
first version, the Dragorilla. Didn't make into the final demo :(

final design (no final color). We just called him fatty. He kicks ***
 Proces for the final enemy (converting the drgorilla into a biped character with a shield):

yes, it almost became a StarWars-like robot made of stone

Shijie - Environment and asset concepts

12 sept 2013

Train sketches 2

Nothing spectacular, just keeping the blog alive v.v' I'm quite busy with my Videogame Creation master project and don't even have time or energy to draw seriously xP
Res espectacular, miro de mantenir el blog actiu... v.v' Vaig una mica enfeinat amb el projecte del master en creació de videojocs i pràcticament no tinc temps o energia per dibuixar gaire seriosament XP

Hope you like'em
Espero que us agradin

faig molta penya mirant cap a l'esquerra no?

9 ago 2013

Amazing canvas

I really hope to post moar of this. A couple of Tatoos made with UNIPOSCA pens, inspired by the skin of this friend of mine.
I accept requests ^^
Espero poder postejar alguns més d'aquests. Un parell de tatus fets amb UNIPOSCA, inspirats per la pell d'aquesta amiga meva.
Accepto encàrrecs ^^

El pagament va ser en madalenes però accepto xecs, tofu, entrades de cine...

6 jul 2013


Pos ala, primera cosa semiseriosa en mesos v.v He intentat cosetes noves i controlar una miqueta el tema color. Intentat.

No pretenia pas fer el Clint Eastwood, però ja se sap com van aqtes coses quan no controles -__-

Potser m'he regalat una mica amb el SSS...

11 may 2013

He just happened - 5 minute accident

I was drawing for my university videogame project and he suddenly happend, born from the hard line at the center (nose-right eye). Don't ask me how nor why, because i won't have any answer XD

5 may 2013


Those who have looked at the very fisrt entries of this blog will know her. I plan to do one more quick drawing of she doing magic soon!

About an hour of fun invested here :D

23 abr 2013

Some concepts (long one)

I've recently learned (the hard way) that you have to choose what to take and what to leave if you want yourself to succeed on something. Here are some sketches from 2 projects I had to leave (the first one is a gift, I like it).

Aquí dalt posa que he après a les males que s'ha de triar, a la vida. No es pot tenir tot i aquí deixo alguns esbossos pertanyents a 2 projectes que m'he vist obligat a abndonar. El primer de tots és un un regal, que m'agrada molt.